Tuesday, January 29, 2008

busy weekend

Last weekend was kinda busy for gathering......

went to restaurant having annual dinner with family and relatives after work. Then joined Chung's b-day party straight away til 3am.

In the party, saw lots of secondary schmates, some could be recognised and some couldnt. But have already forgotten their names since hvnt seen each other for ages! and this disclosed
the fact that we are far away from the age of teenager for 10 more yrs!!

A friend told me puppy honey would also attend the party, mental preparation were not ready to meet as long as we hvnt met after separation....By the time i arrived, he just left with his family. Dun know if this proved that we hv no more affinity or else...hahaha~~what I could know was just from frens about his recent life and from pics. Anyway, knew he's staying good is already a gd news.

Seeing lots of "old people" in a night brought up thousands of memory......it's like everything happened was just last night! Time really flies.....

Went to have hair cut afternoon. It was bloody crowded! no seat could be found even though i had made appointment! This time those faded-out golden hair were more or less cut, quite short just left some looks as liberately high-lighted. hehee~~petti good, i like it! He asked me after this, what's more could I deal with my hair?..oOOO

Then went to Tabo's house for sabu-sabu with group of frens. It's damn cold in Tuen Mun, hv lost the feeling of living in TM, so didnt expect it's freezing! We all had freezing dinner on the roof floor, but had fun indeed...thx dear.

Dined out with fu and chai, it's a funny but kinda monkey business as we were in the conversations with no reality, esp chai...think he could be the best person as stress releaser...hahah

Sunday, January 27, 2008


上星期過得好快好快,快到自己都唔知五天工作日裡忙過乜~~ 工作以外就記得睇咗兩次醫生!



may he rest in peace.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008






Saturday, January 19, 2008

2007 December


打從12月中放自己大假開始,日本之旅後第一日返工就開x'mas party,基本止都冇做過野!放兩日假玩下又返兩日工,再放假又返一日工,跟住又放假......28號daddy又擺大壽,30號kitty結婚去觀禮,高興咗一輪後....個人完全玩到散晒咯~~~



Friday, January 18, 2008

返來了....sick leave

恆心真係好緊要,一唔keep住寫blog就一直懶下去....如果唔係因為發燒,今日sick leave在家休息,都唔會抽得空閒上網,都差d忘記自己有個blog咯!


食咗d藥,喉嚨依照痛,全身感到忽冷忽熱,結果成晚冇覺好瞓,決定要sick leave好好瞓一覺~~~瞓極個人都好攰,有種瞓唔醒嘅感覺,無論對住電視或雜誌,唔駛5分鐘就自然瞓著,搞到成日都冇心機做任何事....好似在浪費時間咁,好耐都冇試過咯....